Children are our future and should be the center of all the decisions we make as a community. How we care for our children, how we treat them, how we teach them, and the values that we choose to instill in our children define us as parents, as a community, as a nation.
Funding lies at the heart of many issues facing Chesapeake Public Schools. With increased and appropriately allocated funds, we can better support our children and staff. These resources will enable us to expand school programs, offer higher salaries to teachers, employ more staff, build new schools, and repair existing ones. I am committed to reaching out to untapped public and private resources to secure grants and additional funding for our district. I also want to foster more open and honest discussions about how our money is spent, ensuring that the community is informed about where funds are allocated before any spending occurs. Together, we can make this vision a reality and ensure our schools are prepared for the future. Read More
Safety is a major concern for our community and more so for those of us who send our loved ones to school. I am committed to making our schools the safest environment for children and staff. The first step is to ensure that mental health professionals are available to our students and staff to offer the help that they need.
In today's combative culture people too often talk past each other and do not take the time to listen. This lack of communication creates undo conflict within our community. I maintain that everyone's voice is meaningful and that everyone should feel respected, listened to, and heard. I am committed to working with the school board to ensure that our students, staff, and parents are heard. Together we can do what is best for the betterment of our children.
Every child, is unique. No two children experience the world in the same way, nor do they have the same goals, aspirations, challenges, or dreams. I think that it is our duty as leaders within our community to be mindful of the struggles, experiences, emotions, and dreams of our children. I am committed to ensuring that all our students and staff have an avenue to seek help when needed. That they know that they can express themselves and find the assistance they need in a safe and nurturing environment.